Website 세상/Web Program

HTML DOM Table Object

ToTb 2009. 11. 23. 15:07

HTML DOM Table Object

Table Object

The Table object represents an HTML table.

For each instance of a <table> tag in an HTML document, a Table object is created.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).

Table Object Collections

Collection Description IE  F O W3C
cells[] Returns an array containing each cell in a table 5 1 1 No
rows[] Returns an array containing each row in a table 4 1 9 Yes
tBodies[] Returns an array containing each tbody in a table 4     Yes

Table Object Properties

Property Description IE  F O W3C
border Sets or returns the width of the table border 4 1 9 Yes
caption Sets or returns the caption of a table 4 1 9 Yes
cellPadding Sets or returns the amount of space between the cell border and cell content 4 1 9 Yes
cellSpacing Sets or returns the amount of space between the cells in a table 4 1 9 Yes
frame Sets or returns the outer-borders of a table 4 1 9 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of a table 4 1 9 Yes
rules Sets or returns the inner-borders of a table 4 1 9 Yes
summary Sets or returns a description of a table 6 1 9 Yes
tFoot Returns the TFoot object of a table 4 1 9 Yes
tHead Returns the THead object of a table 4 1 9 Yes
width Sets or returns the width of a table 4 1 9 Yes

Standard Properties

Property Description IE  F O W3C
className Sets or returns the class attribute of an element 5 1 9 Yes
dir Sets or returns the direction of text 5 1 9 Yes
lang Sets or returns the language code for an element 5 1 9 Yes
title Sets or returns an element's advisory title 5 1 9 Yes

Table Object Methods

Method Description IE F O W3C
createCaption() Creates a caption element for a table 4 1 9 Yes
createTFoot() Creates an empty tFoot element in a table 4 1 9 Yes
createTHead() Creates an empty tHead element in a table 4 1 9 Yes
deleteCaption() Deletes the caption element and its content from a table 4 1 9 Yes
deleteRow() Deletes a row from a table 4 1 9 Yes
deleteTFoot() Deletes the tFoot element and its content from a table 4 1 9 Yes
deleteTHead() Deletes the tHead element and its content from a table 4 1 9 Yes
insertRow() Inserts a new row in a table 4 1 9 Yes

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홈페이지제작 홈페이지제작문의 회사홈페이지제작 쇼핑몰제작 쇼핑몰구축 폐쇄몰 복지몰 몰인몰 효과음 pop시스템 pos시스템 mes crm erp erp컨설턴트 scm me2day 물류프로그램 서버구입 홈페이지빌더 효과음 복지몰 erp프로그램 파워빌더 erp컨설턴트 일본구매대행 부동산119 제로옥션 동영상강의제작 홈페이지계약서 홈페이지제작추천 salesforceautomation 그룹웨어 아이템거래 아이템거래사이트 구직사이트 웹호스팅 웹호스팅비용 바코드시스템 온라인마케팅 IT컨설팅 웹에이전시 ToTb